The Alice Austen House Museum
(virtual tour:

The Alice Austen House Museum on Staten Island, is a new permanent installation dedicated to telling the story of Alice Austen, one of the first woman photographers in America. The exhibition design, storytelling and visualization by Coen Projekts brings to light and pays homage to the multifaceted aspects of Alice Austen as one of the first street photographers, and her personal life, as a pioneer in the early feminist and LGBTQ+ movement within the Victorian Age. The interpretive design, planning and visitor experience is set within Alice Austen’s Victorian home, recently designated as one of the few LGBTQ+ Historic Landmark Sites, where she was born in 1866 and lived till 1952 with her long term partner Gertrude Tate. 

- Opened in conjunction with Stonewall 50th Anniversary, 2019.
- Exhibition design, planning, exhibition graphics, media, museum identity.
- Fabrication: Dugall Visual Solutions
- Review: Design Observer -
